Never seen this PAL version before with Oberheim/V42 music – more familiar with the NTSC version with Lepeltheme (before Return to Genesis, for example)
12 years ago
This one always impressed me back in the days. I had a version which played Karsten Obarski’s “Blueberry” instead, a lot better.
Great to see this one back! Bamiga Sector 1 were the first real Belgian presence in the Amiga scene. At a later stage, Necromancer joined The Band (his son The Visitor went to university, so he quit at the time). Lot’s of memories coming back seeing this one! 🙂
janer is right, there was a version of that intro with the much nicer mod.blueberry … or did you mean a completely different intro?
anyway, this one was quoted in the fantastic rsi-megademo as the first code with vectorballs. so cheers to the coder and the team. loved their xenon2 megablast trainer
Heh I remember pondering once heavily how the heck this intro was coded while I was walking home from school. Even today when I bypass one certain place on that same road I always remember this intro.. wicked..:o_O and I still don’t like the music
fabulous work adapting this pure golden classic BS 1 & TKT prod…
Great code, and fantastic tune, even though the samples are from ST-01… (monobass, pizza, and so on) love it ! 🙂
Never seen this PAL version before with Oberheim/V42 music – more familiar with the NTSC version with Lepeltheme (before Return to Genesis, for example)
This one always impressed me back in the days. I had a version which played Karsten Obarski’s “Blueberry” instead, a lot better.
Epic tune. Epic era.
Great to see this one back! Bamiga Sector 1 were the first real Belgian presence in the Amiga scene. At a later stage, Necromancer joined The Band (his son The Visitor went to university, so he quit at the time). Lot’s of memories coming back seeing this one! 🙂
Gonthar/The Band
You’ve forgot the &-character in the font…
cool. my favourite bs1/kent team intro. i liked it … legends will never die !
ugly colours :p
nice story mr.spiv! 🙂
needs a remake i think. oldscool roxxors!!
this was toward the end of my ST ownership and the beginning of my amiga dayz. What great memories.
i have a version of this intro saying it was coded by "The Big Fat Lamer/BS1", is TBFL & Chaterbox the same guy ???
yeah damn kool! takes me back in good old dayz…
janer is right, there was a version of that intro with the much nicer mod.blueberry … or did you mean a completely different intro?
anyway, this one was quoted in the fantastic rsi-megademo as the first code with vectorballs. so cheers to the coder and the team. loved their xenon2 megablast trainer
Heh I remember pondering once heavily how the heck this intro was coded while I was walking home from school. Even today when I bypass one certain place on that same road I always remember this intro.. wicked..:o_O and I still don’t like the music
I remember this one well, the conversion seems to run better, I remember the bobs on the original didn?t rotate around x&y smoothly! -great job.
fabulous work adapting this pure golden classic BS 1 & TKT prod…
Great code, and fantastic tune, even though the samples are from ST-01… (monobass, pizza, and so on) love it ! 🙂
hahaha i wont
i’m doing the first one now
yo musahsi9
great work, and pliz do not forget to add at least one SToRM CRACKTRO on your list
great one!
i like the greetings most … 😉
thx musashi… this would be wonderful 🙂
Gawd… those were the times!! Blitter raping roxx!! 🙂
Nice one!!!
yes donwload is not intro in screen shot
nvm im sure i have it somewhere to convert 🙂
will also add the champs one ot my list
u mean.. the dL link is not the intro from the shot?.. or what do u mean 🙂
anyway.. a great intro isnt it ?
Ah yes but the screen shot does not match the download?
@mus@shi9 … i found the screenshot of the bamiga cracktro 🙂
@chris74 … VERY good champs cracktro.. this one i requested in the forum 😉
Talking classics I think this is above others a MUST DO cracktro:
@mus@shi9 … no sorry i dont have it…
at POUET.NET was a screenshot but they seem to are down at the moment…
there was a bouncing bamiga sector one logo wich bounced on the KENT TEAM logo…
also a yellow/red scroll like at this cracktro above .. (in grey) …
and i think it was an turning scroll text…
sorry i cant remember it better… but when i got a screenshot i will post it 🙂
damned cool thing
Yep, what Brainwalker said 🙂 Loved this one back in the day…
great, pure oldskool. very good converting.
do you have this
one of my fav groups back then… how about to convert the intro with the "endtheme" music musashi9 🙂
anyway very cool on…. these were the days
mmmmm BS1. One of those really old cracktros where everyone is greeted. Just how long is the scrolltext?
btw the download link doesn’t work.
This is for sure a REAL classic 🙂
Great work converting it 😀