nice color selection of the copper and good tune. Else nothing special about it. Apex was a rather small group with only a few releases and members located mainly in Germany. Nitro, the packmaker of Apex’s Black Raindow pack series became later the organzier and original supplier of Prodigy (this under various handles).
Cool tune 🙂 but just a sine-scroller feels a bit too empty.
Simple and effective. This is a good example of less being more.
“Welcome our new members….. sorry but I have lost the full list of new members..” heh 😀
Nice sinus though!
cool scroller, at least you can read it.
nice color selection of the copper and good tune. Else nothing special about it. Apex was a rather small group with only a few releases and members located mainly in Germany. Nitro, the packmaker of Apex’s Black Raindow pack series became later the organzier and original supplier of Prodigy (this under various handles).