Always liked this on, big scroller and catchy tune!! 🙂
Reminds me of Prince Of Persia because it was in front of it. 😉
And the right click to stop the scroller is even here, great (works well without the blue button below for me)!! 😀
Whaaat? Again? Another rip from The Band? Arf… :/
Anyway, personally, I prefer the Pegasus gfx with the stars, rather then the big skull the Band used :). I find it more balanced.
Always liked this one, good stuff, huuuuge scroller!!
Always liked this on, big scroller and catchy tune!! 🙂
Reminds me of Prince Of Persia because it was in front of it. 😉
And the right click to stop the scroller is even here, great (works well without the blue button below for me)!! 😀
Like others have said its nothing impressive but for some reason I always liked it – and that music still love it.
Not very impressive gfx and codewise, but… a CLASSIC.
Where the HQ of Angels was? In Belgium? Luxembourg? Or in France?
Belgium, if I’m not mistaken… wasn’t Angels under Duncan, respectively followed after “The Band”?
3 bitplane 4 pixel sinus scroller.. that’s something 😉
Absolute classic, and always loved that tune. I forget now – didn’t this start life as a The Band production or the other way around?
According to Gonthar/The Band it was a BAND intro first then
“Duncan supplied Angels with the code for this intro”
Whaaat? Again? Another rip from The Band? Arf… :/
Anyway, personally, I prefer the Pegasus gfx with the stars, rather then the big skull the Band used :). I find it more balanced.
Yeah, nobody remembers The Band’s version, but everybody remembers this version as the timeless classic that it is.
the mirror effect looks great. it’s not a bad cracktro at all, but i saw it way too many times.Legendary tune: Comic Bakery (C64) by Martin Galway.