;ANGELS loader, Ripped from their “Dragon Breed” crack
;cleaned up + altered to let you set MFM buffer address -WK;REMEMBER TO SET mfmptr TO POINT TO YOUR MFM BUFFER ADDRESS!
movem.l d0-a6,-(a7) ; IN: a0=load addr, d0=filenumber
lea filetable(pc),a5
lsl.w #3,d0
move.l 4(a5,d0.w),d1 ; filesize
move.l (a5,d0.w),d0 ; offset
lea unk_705C8,a2
lea ($BFD100).l,a1
movea.l a0,a5
adda.l d1,a5 ; a5=load addr+filesize (for comparison later)
moveq #0,d3
moveq #0,d4
move.l d0,d5
divu.w #$1600,d5
move.w d5,d3
swap d5
move.w d5,d4
bsr.s sub_70326
bsr.w sub_703C8
bsr.w sub_7043C
bsr.w sub_70422
movem.l (a7)+,d0-a6
move.b #$7D,(a1)
bclr #3,(a1)
bsr.s sub_70338
clr.l d0
move.l d1,-(a7)
move.w #$8BD4,d1
bra.s loc_70344sub_70340:
move.w #$864,d1loc_70344:
move.b #8,$D00(a1)
move.b d1,$300(a1)
lsr.w #8,d1
move.b d1,$400(a1)loc_70354:
btst #0,$C00(a1)
beq.s loc_70354
move.l (a7)+,d1
btst #4,($BFE001).l
beq.s loc_7037C
bset #1,(a1)
bsr.s sub_703ACloc_70370:
btst #5,($BFE001).l
bne.s loc_70370
bra.s sub_70360loc_7037C:
clr.b (a2)
move.b (a2),d0
addq.l #1,d0
move.b d0,(a2)
btst #0,d0
bne.s loc_703A6
bclr #1,(a1)
bsr.s sub_703ACloc_70392:
btst #5,($BFE001).l
bne.s loc_70392
bset #2,(a1)loc_703A0:
bsr.w sub_70338
bclr #2,(a1)
bra.s loc_703A0sub_703AC:
bclr #0,(a1)
bset #0,(a1)
bsr.w sub_70340loc_703BC:
btst #5,($BFE001).l
bne.s loc_703BC
movem.l d1-d2,-(a7)
cmpi.b #-1,(a2)
bne.s loc_703D8
bsr.w sub_70360
clr.b (a2)loc_703D8:
clr.l d1
clr.l d2
move.b (a2),d1
move.b d3,d2
bset #2,(a1)
btst #0,d3
beq.s loc_703F2
bclr #2,(a1)
bsr.w sub_70338loc_703F2:
lsr.w #1,d2
lsr.w #1,d1
sub.w d1,d2
bcs.s loc_70408
bhi.s loc_703FE
bra.s loc_7041Aloc_703FE:
bclr #1,(a1)
bsr.w sub_70338
bra.s loc_70412loc_70408:
neg.w d2
bset #1,(a1)
bsr.w sub_70338loc_70412:
bsr.w sub_703AC
subq.w #1,d2
bne.s loc_70412loc_7041A:
move.b d3,(a2)
movem.l (a7)+,d1-d2
move.b #-3,(a1)
bclr #3,(a1)
bset #3,(a1)
bsr.w sub_70338
moveq #4,d2loc_7043E:
bsr.s sub_70488
tst.l d0
bne.s loc_7045A
bsr.w sub_70508
tst.l d0
bne.s loc_7045A
cmpa.l a0,a5
ble.s locret_70458
bsr.w sub_70380
moveq #4,d2
bra.s loc_7043Elocret_70458:
bclr #1,(a1)
bsr.w sub_70338
bsr.w sub_703AC
bsr.w sub_70338
bset #1,(a1)
bsr.w sub_70338
bsr.w sub_703AC
bsr.w sub_70338
subq.l #1,d2
bne.s sub_7043Cloc_7047E:
move.w d0,($DFF180).l
subq.w #1,d0
bra.s loc_7047Esub_70488:
movem.l d1-d2/a0-a2,-(a7)loc_7048C:
lea ($DFF000).l,a6
; movea.l #$2000,a1 ;MFM Buff
move.l mfmptr(pc),d1
move.l d1,$20(a6)
; move.l a1,$20(a6)
move.w #$8010,$96(a6)
move.w #$7F00,$9E(a6)
move.w #$9500,$9E(a6)
move.w #$4000,$24(a6)
move.w #$4489,$7E(a6)loc_704BA:
btst #5,($BFE001).l
bne.s loc_704BA
move.w #$9980,$24(a6)
move.w #$9980,$24(a6)
move.l #$20000,d1
move.w #2,$9C(a6)loc_704DC:
move.w $1E(a6),d2
btst #1,d2
bne.s loc_704EE
subq.l #1,d1
bne.s loc_704DC
moveq #-1,d0
bra.s loc_704F6loc_704EE:
moveq #0,d0
cmpi.w #$4489,(a1)
bne.s loc_7048Cloc_704F6:
move.w #$4000,$24(a6)
move.w #$10,$96(a6)
movem.l (a7)+,d1-d2/a0-a2
movem.l d1-d3/d5-d7/a1-a6,-(a7)
movea.l a0,a2
movea.l a0,a3
adda.l d4,a3
movea.l a0,a4
; movea.l #$2000,a1 ;MFM Buff
move.l mfmptr(pc),d5
move.l d5,a1
cmpi.w #$4489,(a1)
bne.s loc_70576
moveq #$A,d5loc_70522:
bsr.s sub_7057C
tst.l d0
bne.s loc_7056A
moveq #$7F,d6loc_7052A:
move.l $200(a1),d1
move.l (a1)+,d0
eor.l d0,d2
eor.l d1,d2
bsr.w sub_705B6
cmpa.l a3,a2
bge.s loc_70540
addq.l #4,a2
bra.s loc_7054Cloc_70540:
movea.l a2,a6
addq.l #4,a2
suba.l d4,a6
cmpa.l a5,a6
bge.s loc_7054C
move.l d0,(a6)+loc_7054C:
dbf d6,loc_7052A
andi.l #$55555555,d2
cmp.l d2,d7
bne.s loc_70576
dbf d5,loc_70522
move.l #$1600,d0
sub.l d4,d0
adda.l d0,a0
clr.l d0loc_7056A:
tst.l d0
bne.s loc_70576
clr.l d4loc_70570:
movem.l (a7)+,d1-d3/d5-d7/a1-a6
movea.l a4,a0
moveq #-1,d0
bra.s loc_70570sub_7057C:
move.w #$4489,d0loc_70580:
cmp.w (a1)+,d0
bne.s loc_70580
cmp.w (a1),d0
bne.s loc_7058A
addq.l #2,a1loc_7058A:
move.l $30(a1),d0
move.l $34(a1),d1
bsr.s sub_705B6
move.l d0,d7
move.l (a1),d0
move.l 4(a1),d1
bsr.s sub_705B6
lsr.w #8,d0
lea $38(a1),a1
add.w d0,d0
asl.w #8,d0
lea (a4,d0.w),a2
moveq #0,d0
clr.l d2
rtsmoveq #-1,d0
asl.l #1,d0
andi.l #$AAAAAAAA,d0
andi.l #$55555555,d1
or.l d1,d0
rts; —————————————————————————
unk_705C8: dc.b 0
dc.b 0
mfmptr: dc.l $0 ;pointer to MFM buffer
filetable: dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l $2C00
dc.l $91AC
dc.l $BDAC
dc.l $85DC
dc.l $14388
dc.l $70F4
dc.l $1B47C
dc.l $60A4
dc.l $21520
dc.l $67AC
dc.l $27CCC
dc.l $686C
dc.l $2E538
dc.l $6958
dc.l $34E90
dc.l $4200
dc.l $39090
dc.l $3978
dc.l $3CA08
dc.l $C6D0
dc.l $490D8
dc.l $46F0
dc.l $4D7C8
dc.l $7FF0
dc.l $557B8
dc.l $18E0
dc.l $57098
dc.l $7D20
dc.l $5EDB8
dc.l $44FE0
dc.l $A3D98
dc.l $2C0C
dc.l $A69A4
dc.l $7D00
Bad Brothers – Music Line Editor
Publication author offline 3 days mus@shi9 0 Comments: 1168Publics: 2815Registration: 06-03-2017
looks fine to me *cough*
you guys must be getting old
they say eye sight is the first to go
I bet it was messed up by M9 on purpose. He just wanted to check if we are attentive readers. :p
Of course that line should be "divu.w #$1600,d5".
Seems to have been messed up in the HTML, I assure you it was there when I sent it to flashtro 🙂
Hmm, what’s that "divu.w #00,d5" doing there? 😉 I don’t see the "division by zero" exception vector patched anywhere. 😀
Heh.. _not_ blaming you. That just came to my mind when checking your nice rips again.
Spiv: less talk more fixing the source 😛
Hey, I just ripped it, if it’s badly coded it’s not my fault 🙂 As usual, it comes with no warranty or tech support!
Many loaders (like this one also I think) rely _only_ on the DSKRDY bit to check when the drive rotates at the correct speed and thus is ready for further stuff. There were drives, especially external ones, that never cleared this bit. Of cource 99.9999% of loaders just hanged, which was most annoying. HW manual says that one could also just wait for 500ms after turning on the drive. Only few loaders out there had the combination of both DSKRDY + 500ms waiting.