Good work, though it needs some traditional starfield and text effect
14 years ago
Hi, I just discovered this ! I am the author of this little intro. And I still have the code lol ! I was not the first to do that effect but I found it so nice at that time that I wanted to do it myself, adding a few things… This intro is actually a bit reduced compared to my original one where the text was also moving on top of the copper bars. Music has been done by Tex / Unreal (coder/musician), one of my best friend (who’s sadly not in this world but in my mind forever… Read more »
updated: re-done from scratch
Sorry to hear about your friend, Tex.
I like the tune alot. Great intro too.
Good work, though it needs some traditional starfield and text effect
Hi, I just discovered this ! I am the author of this little intro. And I still have the code lol ! I was not the first to do that effect but I found it so nice at that time that I wanted to do it myself, adding a few things… This intro is actually a bit reduced compared to my original one where the text was also moving on top of the copper bars. Music has been done by Tex / Unreal (coder/musician), one of my best friend (who’s sadly not in this world but in my mind forever… Read more »
I’ve Never seen diagonal Kefrenz before either… I love ‘m! 🙂
Slick logo as well!
Wow, I’ve never seen such a twist on Kefrenz bars. Does anyone know when they were first done that way?
Never liked the music in this intro. But the diagonal "Kefatraz" bars are cool. 🙂 Nice intro.
@machfelon: this must be from the time there was a co-op between Agile & Quartex.
cooper is great, tune too, perfect work again!
Strange but I don’t remember being in Agile. But my BBS is listed Black Plague with my phone number. hmmmm I cant be that burnt!!! 🙂
Wicked! Traditional Amiga cracktro!
classic, doubt that, but a typical amiga "RELASE" cracktro 😉
classic amiga… can’t say anything bad about this one
oops great one!!! like the logo…
Oh … very nice …
oh i love it ! :love
nice one !
Nice intro.. especially the diagonal copper effect.