Bod’s argument with Excell in 1991 was also the main reason the mighty co-op ended. Can’t quite recall the source with details on this – either c64 papermag "Pirates" or diskmag "Illegal". There’s a quick reference to this here. Perhaps one should confirm with either of them, as they both seem to be on fb nowadays.
13 years ago
Wasn’t BOD from IKARI on c64?
Talent. They later joined with IKARI to create one of the most successful co-ops in history: IKARI + TALENT.
We do what other crackers try to do!
— intro on Fighter Bomber
Bod was also a member of Hotline for a while, before arguments with Sledge over who the exclusive importer from the States is going to be caused him to split and create Talent.
cracktro-classic by accumulators. never seen this one with a tune. like the fade in/out of the background text and the sine. tune is not really my style
13 years ago
Nice and clean Intro, needs something else in the background, love the music. Wasn’t BOD from IKARI on c64?
Bod’s argument with Excell in 1991 was also the main reason the mighty co-op ended. Can’t quite recall the source with details on this – either c64 papermag "Pirates" or diskmag "Illegal". There’s a quick reference to this here. Perhaps one should confirm with either of them, as they both seem to be on fb nowadays.
Talent. They later joined with IKARI to create one of the most successful co-ops in history: IKARI + TALENT.
— intro on Fighter Bomber
Bod was also a member of Hotline for a while, before arguments with Sledge over who the exclusive importer from the States is going to be caused him to split and create Talent.
Sinus + fonts <3
I love it to bits. Stylish, understated and cool music.
ha…i wanted to ask the same question as stu about bod..thx for another little info WK 🙂 ..for the intro..its ok and have a nice tune..
Bad tune, but can’t hate on this intro since it’s a classic! And yes stu, that is the same BOD as on c64 (IKARI, TALENT, etc).
nice intro but don’t like the sound …
cracktro-classic by accumulators. never seen this one with a tune. like the fade in/out of the background text and the sine. tune is not really my style
Nice and clean Intro, needs something else in the background, love the music. Wasn’t BOD from IKARI on c64?