“This time we bring you…” a completely broken crack of CrackDown that only works on 1mb because for some reason we couldn’t fit our broken patches into the huge gaps < 512k…
Great intro, scroller & music are really good although there is no Z-sort on the balls so some of the waves look a bit odd!
what a brilliant scroller
That bob scroller is the shizz 🙂
probably one of the better intros of the latest flashtro releases. awesome scroller and good music. nice!
yeah this ones great, love the reflection!
Sweet-az bob scroller!
Wow, this one is really tight 😀 Without Schnickschnack…
Ingredients: Simple font, great bob effect, classic Monty tune.
Nice one 🙂
“This time we bring you…” a completely broken crack of CrackDown that only works on 1mb because for some reason we couldn’t fit our broken patches into the huge gaps < 512k…
Great intro, scroller & music are really good although there is no Z-sort on the balls so some of the waves look a bit odd!
Very nice intro!!! Alta made some really good codings.
Bob scroller and its reflection are things of beauty. Add a cool tune too, this one’s a real winner for me 🙂