@MacGyver: it took almost a week for a letter from finland to reach australia or new zealand – and a week more to get those disks back :). i remember getting calls from Damien and Caddy and them saying: "Get a modem", or, "Do your friends have a modem?". still refused to get into the ‘new technologies’ of BBS. 😀
greetings to the guys down-under: Damien/PNS, Caddy/Defjam and Slaine/Mayhem.
Ginnie was the sysop of The Brewery, the later OZHQ for Quartex. He had the fastest BBS in OZ mainly thanks to all us Belgian idiots being able to bluebox there at extremely high speeds (1650 CPS V32Bis rules!) 🙂
Weren’t there a bunch of Australian groups? Some were pretty good imho like Predators (who also made intros for ACU). Piranha@Predators was one tuff coder who later went to code… video poker machines 😛 If my memory serves right.
@MacGyver: it took almost a week for a letter from finland to reach australia or new zealand – and a week more to get those disks back :). i remember getting calls from Damien and Caddy and them saying: "Get a modem", or, "Do your friends have a modem?". still refused to get into the ‘new technologies’ of BBS. 😀
greetings to the guys down-under: Damien/PNS, Caddy/Defjam and Slaine/Mayhem.
today via internet australia ist just a mouseklick away,
20 years ago (mail-swapping) it was a journey around the world!
remember the days, guyz!
Ginnie was the sysop of The Brewery, the later OZHQ for Quartex. He had the fastest BBS in OZ mainly thanks to all us Belgian idiots being able to bluebox there at extremely high speeds (1650 CPS V32Bis rules!) 🙂
Spiv: Predators Megademo still totally rocks. 🙂
About the intro, simple but I always liked the logo. 🙂 And I wonder what it is with autralian coders and their video poker machines fetish. 😀
Weren’t there a bunch of Australian groups? Some were pretty good imho like Predators (who also made intros for ACU). Piranha@Predators was one tuff coder who later went to code… video poker machines 😛 If my memory serves right.
AHH Australian crackers united!!! the legendary group (only) from Australia.. who sold out and made video poker machines.. shammmme
yes.. no sound 🙁 .. but i like the font a lot and the logo is ok too..
hmmm.. gfx is not my style. no sound. but the scrolltext says all 😉