; Setting up a simple copperlist ; No (c)ode by aLpHa oNe! ; ============================== section flashtro,code_c move.l 4.w,a6 ; Get base of exec lib lea gfxlib(pc),a1 ; Adress of gfxlib string to a1 jsr -408(a6) ; Call OpenLibrary() move.l d0,gfxbase ; Save base of graphics.library move.l #cop,$dff080 ; Set new copperlist mouse: btst #6,$bfe001 ; Left mouse clicked ? bne.b mouse ; No, continue loop! move.l gfxbase(pc),a1 ; Base of graphics.library to a1 move.l 38(a1),$dff080 ; Restore old copperlist jsr -414(a6) ; Call CloseLibrary() moveq #0,d0 ; Over.. rts ; and out! ; Stuff ; ***** cop: dc.w $0106,$0000,$01fc,$0000 ; AGA compatible dc.w $0120,$0000,$0122,$0000 ; Clear spriteptrs dc.w $0124,$0000,$0126,$0000 dc.w $0128,$0000,$012a,$0000 dc.w $012c,$0000,$012e,$0000 dc.w $0130,$0000,$0132,$0000 dc.w $0134,$0000,$0136,$0000 dc.w $0138,$0000,$013a,$0000 dc.w $013c,$0000,$013e,$0000 dc.w $0100,$0200 ; 0 Bitplanes dc.w $0180,$0000 ; Color00 = black dc.w $0182,$0fff ; Color01 = white dc.w $700f,$fffe ; Wait VPos $70 dc.w $0180,$0f00 ; Color00 = red dc.w $d00f,$fffe ; Wait VPos $d0 dc.w $0180,$0ff0 ; Color00 = yellow dc.w $ffff,$fffe gfxlib: dc.b "graphics.library",0,0 gfxbase: dc.l 0
Categories: Commented SourcesSource Codes
note: section flashtro,code_c => code in chipmem coz the copperlist must be in Chip (try with code)