Rainbow Arts/Advantec (1990)

– I used original disk from the IPF file #609 EU Retail
– AR and/or a disassembler/debugger (not specific tuto)
– an assembler (AsmOne/DevPac/Barfly…) if you want to rewrite the boot.

Do a quick scan of the disk with X-Copy : something is wrong at the first track. Seems to be a disk based protection.

Make a copy of disk. boot it : the screen stay black after reading the track 1.

From AR, disassemble where the program is stopped (F4D6) :

Compare start of sector with $4521 (MFM sync marker).
cross backward : this test routine start at F4D0 and is called from F3E2 (fa f4d0) : read sector 1 at D2F6. at F408, test if read error. jump to F434 if ok.

here is the routine called for reading sector (motor on, trackload…)

at F56E, he jumps to F4D0 : the uncode MFM routine.
It’s used as the "protection".

so, reboot. stop with AR after track 49 loaded. Then, disassemble at F4D0 (d F4D0) : the code is here.
first try : put RTS at F4D2 to skip the whole routine.
restart (x)
lets loading until track 1.
…it’s Ok! Intro start !

but what is this sector. Important one ? only protection ?

disassemble more :
at F4D0 he decode the data from D2F6 to D396.
at F448, he copy D2F6 to D396
at F45c, D2F6 is used with sub prog at F616 : seems to be a writing track routine!
this game save the hiscore on disk : at sector 1 !
the hiscore is used as protection.

so, for the patch, we have to nop the test of $4521 else the hiscore is not decoded. And also erase the $4521 at write sub prog (at F6Ac).
put 6x 4E71 at F4D6 and 3x 4E71 at F6AC.

(I’ve not tested the hiscore saving because I used winuae : unsupported format for writing)

I loaded and disassembled the starter program – 44 block loaded @ 50000 from block 22. It’s the main program crunched. Starting at 50024, decrunch it to 40000, then jump to 40000, copy the main program at 0 and jump to 500 to start.
The program load some files and load Intro at B000.
the "protection" is in the Intro code.

it’s possible to patch directly from boot :
after loading prog at 50000, change boot

 move.w	#$4e75,$5012a	; replace JMP $40000 by RTS
 jsr	$50024		; replace JMP by JSR : decrunch to 40000 and return here 

after this line, we have to install the patch of the Intro, but not yet loaded at this moment…patch copied at free space $b8.

 lea	$b8.w,a0
 move.l	a0,$40100+$5DA		; replace JSR $B000 by JSR $B8

I use $40100 as base, because it’s the part of the prog copied at 0. and I copy the patch at $40100+$b8…the patch will be at $b8!

 lea	patchintro(pc),a1	; copy patch to $b8 (unused address)
 lea	$40100+$b8,a0
 moveq	#sizepatch-1,d7
 move.b	(a1)+,(a0)+
 dbf	d7,.cpy

 jmp	$40000		; copy prog to $500 and start

here is the patch:

; skip test $4521  
 move.l	#$4e714e71,$f4d6
 move.l	#$4e714e71,$f4da
 move.l	#$4e714e71,$f4de
; skip $4521 in write score
 move.l	#$4e714e71,$f6ac
 move.w	#$4e71,$f6b0

 jmp	$B000	; start Intro

write new boot and restart : the loading is ok!

Start game, play. Quit game (Esc) : program jump to Intro (read hiscore – track 1)
that works.
You can test the whole game by using builtin trainer : J+1 to 6 for level, J+K for invulnerability.

to fix the hiscore save, try to replace sync word $4521 with standard one : $4489
new patch:

 move.w	#$4e71,$f4da   
 move.w	#$4e71,$f4e0
 move.w	#$4489,$f488
 move.l	#$44894489,$f6ae
 jmp $B000

(not tested on real amiga. doesnt work on winuae)


Original game have some bugs. why not fix them now ?
– first bug : the Intro logo is not centered ! incredible!
lets go with AR:
take a look at the copperlist intro : c1
the logo is at the bottom of screen/copperlist.
found at BD40 : $e0,$2,$e2,$3e84,… bitplan pointer for logo.

a shift of 128 pixels (16 bytes – $10) :
add $10 to values of bplxpt : 3e84 -> 3e94 …
try : it’s ok!

is this address directly in copperlist or from a pointer?
searching BD40 : nothing. searching BD42 : found at C492.(or searching $23e84 – fa 23e84 : found at bd83). The logo pointer is at BD80

so, add the fix to the patchintro:

 move.l	#$23e94,$bd80	; $23e84 -> $23e94

reboot, and enjoy.

others bugs are found by crackers or whdload patchers: fixes for the main program ($40000)
– problem with weapons in 2 players mode : fixed by Angels/Defjam

 move.b	#$14,$40100+$3E5A	; clr.w $12(a3) -> clr.w $14(a3)
 move.b	#$14,$40100+$3E60	; addq.w #1,$12(a3) -> addq.w #1,$14(a3)

– gfx bug in level 5 : fixed by Harry/WHDteam

 move.b	#$20,$40100+$7C34	; copperlist wait $4000 -> $2000

– trainer keys J+K replaced by J+I (pb with a2000/4000 keyboard): by WHD patchers (Jotd/Harry)

 move.b	#$17,$40100+$1A9B	; replace keycode "K" by "I"

final boot code :

 dc.b 'DOS',0
 dc.l 0
 dc.l $370
; original code
 move.w	#$180,$DFF096
 clr.w	$DFF180
 move.l	a1,-(sp)
 lea	loc_0_400AA(pc),a5
 movea.l	4.w,a6
 move.l	#$20004,d1
 jsr	-$D8(a6)	; availmem(req)(d1)
 move.l	d0,4(a5)
 move.l	#4,d1
 jsr	-$C6(a6)	; allocmem(size,req)(d0,d1)
 add.l	d0,4(a5)
 clr.w	d0
 move.l	d0,(a5)
 movea.l	(sp)+,a1
 move.w	#2,$1C(a1)
 move.l	#$50000,$28(a1)	; load crunched main program
 move.l	#44*512,$24(a1)	; len: 44*512
 move.l	#22*512,$2C(a1)	; offset: 22*512
 jsr	-$1C8(a6)
 move.w	#9,$1C(a1)
 clr.l	$24(a1)
 jsr	-$1C8(a6)
 move.w	#$7FFF,$DFF09A
 move.w	#$7FFF,$DFF096
 movem.l	d0-a6,-(sp)
 movem.l	(sp)+,d0-a6
 move.l	0(a5),d0	; ptAllocMem C00000
 move.l	4(a5),d1	; ptAvailMem+ptAllocMem	C7E800
; patch
 move.w	#$4e75,$5012a	; replace JMP $40000 by RTS
 jsr	$50024		; decrunch to 40000 and return here

; patch 40000 main prog
; trainer key j+k replaced by j+i (pb with a2000/4000 keyboard)
 move.b	#$17,$40100+$1A9B	; replace keycode "K" by "I"
; fix weapons in 2 players mode (by Angels/Defjam)
 move.b	#$14,$40100+$3E5A	; clr.w $12(a3) -> clr.w $14(a3)
 move.b	#$14,$40100+$3E60	; addq.w #1,$12(a3) -> addq.w #1,$14(a3)
; gfx bug in level 5
 move.b	#$20,$40100+$7C34	; copperlist wait $4000 -> $2000
; install patch Intro
 movem.l	d7/a0-a1,-(sp)
 lea	$b8.w,a0
 move.l	a0,$40100+$5DA		; replace JSR $B000.L by JSR $B8.w
 lea	patchintro(pc),a1	; copy patch to $b8 (unused address)
 lea	$40100+$b8,a0
 moveq	#sizep-1,d7
 move.b	(a1)+,(a0)+
 dbf	d7,.cpy
 movem.l	(sp)+,d7/a0-a1

 jmp	$40000		; copy prog to $500 and start

; correct centering of Advantec logo
 move.l	#$23e94,$bd80	; $23e84 -> $23e94

; skip test sync word   
 move.l	#$4e714e71,$f4d6
 move.l	#$4e714e71,$f4da
 move.l	#$4e714e71,$f4de
; or skip only bne/beq
; move.w	#$4e71,$f4da   
; move.w	#$4e71,$f4e0
; move.w	#$4489,$f488 ; standard sync word

; skip write score sync word
 move.l	#$4e714e71,$f6ac
 move.w	#$4e71,$f6b0
; or put standard sync word
; move.l	#$44894489,$f6ae
 jmp	$B000

 ds.l	2

that’s all


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16 years ago

what the hell…the game is copyrighted 1990. error in HOL, it’s not my memory :O_o

16 years ago

argl, yep, 91 : it’s an error in the title 😀

16 years ago

err…1990, not 91

16 years ago

hmm, I used the IPF #609, EU retail (only this one in ipf)
I remember my version of 1991 was done in dos format, perhaps because MFM…I don’t know. (I haven’t skill for MFM crack for the moment, but I’ll try)

16 years ago

Is this the budget re-release version of Z-Out? I thought Z-Out was originally MFM?

16 years ago

yep, sorry : I try to find the Edit button 😉

16 years ago

Nice tut! I would guess that the cmp for "E!E!" is actually looking for the sync marker on the protected track (ie: it uses a sync of $4521).


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