The best thing here for me is the tune…wow, what a great choon! The multiple/parallax scrollers are really nice too, and something I haven’t seen often on the Amiga
14 years ago
Multiple scrollers! YESSS!!!!! FINALLY SOMEONE DID IT!!!
Great zzzax and i like the scrollers too even though they shouldn’t indeed just copy each other, even with just couple lines of text it would already be better 🙂
another "never seen" one with a really cool tune and nice scrollers .. only thing i dont like is the logo wich is rather ugly .. but its ofcourse only a matter of taste as always 🙂
Cool zik and "coolness is forever" 😉 Just one thing.. why to make a multiscroller thing when most of the scrollers just repeat the same text and even at the same scroll speed? 😀
Who would have had the patience to read all of them if every single one had a different massage? Most kids in those days wanted to play games, not look at an intro! I feel, from usability standpoint, that even though a lot of scrollers like this are cool, the most a user can take at a time are two scrollers, and they better not be moving too fast or too slow, and use an unreadable font or hard-on-the-eyes color scheme, or the viewer’s eyes “glaze over”, and at that point they are reaching for their left mouse button. To… Read more »
Heh.. never underestimate the time put watching demos. In the early days our mighty group core gathered every Friday-Saturday night to do nerdy stuff. Shared what swappers had got during the week, showed new routines we had done, some gaming, and watched demos hours after hours (including reading shitloads of scrolltexts) 😀 Later that stuff evolved slightly when booze entered into the game.. /me goes emotional..
The best thing here for me is the tune…wow, what a great choon! The multiple/parallax scrollers are really nice too, and something I haven’t seen often on the Amiga
Multiple scrollers! YESSS!!!!! FINALLY SOMEONE DID IT!!!
Great zzzax and i like the scrollers too even though they shouldn’t indeed just copy each other, even with just couple lines of text it would already be better 🙂
Well done zzax!
like the srollers, nice sound, logo is not my style!
bon: I would guess not, but why would you not use h/w scrolling if you were doing that?
it got something.
another "never seen" one with a really cool tune and nice scrollers .. only thing i dont like is the logo wich is rather ugly .. but its ofcourse only a matter of taste as always 🙂
Nice one.
Is it possible to manage 12 soft- scrollines with 4 bitplane as blitterscrollines on the
A 500 without double buffering?
yep, this is a beauty. nice tune and logo, vf font and stars. thumbs up
Simple answer to that one spiv… have you ever tried writing 12 scrolltexts? It’s about as exciting as writing a cracking tutorial!
Yes.. I have. Painful 😀
Cool zik and "coolness is forever" 😉 Just one thing.. why to make a multiscroller thing when most of the scrollers just repeat the same text and even at the same scroll speed? 😀
Who would have had the patience to read all of them if every single one had a different massage? Most kids in those days wanted to play games, not look at an intro! I feel, from usability standpoint, that even though a lot of scrollers like this are cool, the most a user can take at a time are two scrollers, and they better not be moving too fast or too slow, and use an unreadable font or hard-on-the-eyes color scheme, or the viewer’s eyes “glaze over”, and at that point they are reaching for their left mouse button. To… Read more »
Heh.. never underestimate the time put watching demos. In the early days our mighty group core gathered every Friday-Saturday night to do nerdy stuff. Shared what swappers had got during the week, showed new routines we had done, some gaming, and watched demos hours after hours (including reading shitloads of scrolltexts) 😀 Later that stuff evolved slightly when booze entered into the game.. /me goes emotional..
first post!
very nice one.