To be honest, i never really like this intro. It reminds me too much of a Zenith one, which was way better on most levels. I also must admit, the cube is nice, but this is not the typical Anarchy quality work.
Kinda reminds me another one made for Zenithics for the great gamey called Stardust by the famous Bloodsuckers of Suomi.
Here, I like the music very much. Stylish intro, great glenz!
BTW. Montigny? Jeeezzz… Run Forest, RUUUNNNNN!!!
Nice glenz, maybe it’s all too grey… Jumpping scroll makes it worth to remember and the tune is not bad too.
All the ingredients are there, still the soup won’t taste. Weird kinda.
To be honest, i never really like this intro. It reminds me too much of a Zenith one, which was way better on most levels. I also must admit, the cube is nice, but this is not the typical Anarchy quality work.
Great rotating glenz shapes, nice bouncy writer and cool tune! 🙂
I like it, however i wish it was less gray.
I like this one, very good glenz + unlike some others I really like the tune by NHP 😛
cool idea with the jumpin’ text display . thx 4 da upload.
Kinda reminds me another one made for Zenithics for the great gamey called Stardust by the famous Bloodsuckers of Suomi.
Here, I like the music very much. Stylish intro, great glenz!
BTW. Montigny? Jeeezzz… Run Forest, RUUUNNNNN!!!
Very nice glenz DDD. Not the greatest fan of this style ziks. Polished intro all together.. just if it had a scroller.. 😉
Heh heh heh!
Intro is ok, but music is kinda forgettable