Great release and sweet intro. I agree with what has been said about the logo aliasing and color choices, but this intro just works, good old school vibes! And the tune is perfect Amiga cracktro style!
7 years ago
tHiS oNe iS sOo gReAt – sImPly oVeRwHeLmInG sTuFf !i! ThE AmIgA sCeNe iS sTiLl aLiVe..
7 years ago
Kicks arse as far as concerned, fairly orginal intro and the logo looks great with the copper effect. Well Done Sir Galahad.
Good stuff! I like the cracktro, specially the copper bars! Somhow I like their colours. I don’t really care about the anti-aliasing thing, as the logo is great. Music is cool as well. +1 for the tutorial!
7 years ago
Galahad please make a cracking tutorial for this one.
7 years ago
I second musashi9 here: Would you be willing to create a tutorial for this crack, Galahad ? Also, great little cracktro, great logo, great tune. If the bouncing scroller had a halfsine using the double period of this sawtooth-type bounce, it may look even better, i suspect.
Great conversion, surprised you got it done so quick. I should really have gone for a proper old Scoopex logo as some people seemed to have missed the point as to why the intro is oldskool themed, the bloody game is ancient 🙂
It was styled to be old, and i figured that in 1988, and intro could conceivably look like it, but probably not with as good a logo. Good conversion, but the invader is missing 🙁
“released at South West Amiga June 2017”, thx for this cool oldskool cracktro in 2017
7 years ago
Nice & clever prod. First impression was “Wow, never saw that old prod… font, design, tune’s samples, colors … From 89? 90 ?” before looking at this great logo from Made, blowing the amiga scene some years later. I agree with WK but i suppose the colors were hardly choosen for the oldskool feeling !? Love it
Nice enough, there are a few touches that would improve it (copper shows the logo aliasing badly, and the yellow copper shouldn’t follow the same sinelist as the behind-logo copper in my opinion). I like the c-64 style colour fade on the scroller + ne7’s simple tune.
I like it – the top copper is my favourite.
Great release and sweet intro. I agree with what has been said about the logo aliasing and color choices, but this intro just works, good old school vibes! And the tune is perfect Amiga cracktro style!
tHiS oNe iS sOo gReAt – sImPly oVeRwHeLmInG sTuFf !i! ThE AmIgA sCeNe iS sTiLl aLiVe..
Kicks arse as far as concerned, fairly orginal intro and the logo looks great with the copper effect. Well Done Sir Galahad.
Good stuff! I like the cracktro, specially the copper bars! Somhow I like their colours. I don’t really care about the anti-aliasing thing, as the logo is great. Music is cool as well. +1 for the tutorial!
Galahad please make a cracking tutorial for this one.
I second musashi9 here: Would you be willing to create a tutorial for this crack, Galahad ? Also, great little cracktro, great logo, great tune. If the bouncing scroller had a halfsine using the double period of this sawtooth-type bounce, it may look even better, i suspect.
Nice super Galahad activity again! Great oldskool intro! Greetings from Trumpex…
Great conversion, surprised you got it done so quick. I should really have gone for a proper old Scoopex logo as some people seemed to have missed the point as to why the intro is oldskool themed, the bloody game is ancient 🙂
,,maybe should have released it under Megaforce then 😉
ooops I finished this at 1am my time 😛 forgot all about it. Added now.
I like this intro (the copper behind the logo is great ) and also the crack, I gave it a try once but gave up. A tutorial would be pretty sweet 😀
It was styled to be old, and i figured that in 1988, and intro could conceivably look like it, but probably not with as good a logo. Good conversion, but the invader is missing 🙁
“released at South West Amiga June 2017”, thx for this cool oldskool cracktro in 2017
Nice & clever prod. First impression was “Wow, never saw that old prod… font, design, tune’s samples, colors … From 89? 90 ?” before looking at this great logo from Made, blowing the amiga scene some years later. I agree with WK but i suppose the colors were hardly choosen for the oldskool feeling !? Love it
Nice retro-styled intro – perfect fitting tune, too. Colors could be a bit better chosen. 🙂 Good work on the crack!
Nice enough, there are a few touches that would improve it (copper shows the logo aliasing badly, and the yellow copper shouldn’t follow the same sinelist as the behind-logo copper in my opinion). I like the c-64 style colour fade on the scroller + ne7’s simple tune.