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Categories: FlashtrosNDS

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12 years ago

LOL WK @ the barely find the energy to boot WinUAE – know how you feel, it’s called getting old i think 😉

12 years ago

: Well I don’t know about races, we (ok, mainly Rotox) completely dominated on GBC 🙂 As for PSX, I would still be in the dark now if it wasn’t for your teachings on how to ‘hook’ game irqs, so I don’t think I was even in the race there! But yes, console scene around that time (PSX/GBC/DC/GBA) was quite fun indeed – looking back I’m amazed I found the time to participate so much when I had a much busier life than I do today: I can barely find the energy to boot WinUAE these days!

12 years ago

well, I wrote a pretty long reply to this… but then deleted it, coz I dont want to feed the trolls 🙂 consoles were pretty popular in the 90s in germany and europe, and me and some other fellows here can prove this. Me was much more active on these consoles in the 90s when I was ever on the Amiga. for a quick shock of history you can check the Hitmen site: http://www.hitmen-console.org. and dudes, I liked the 90s on PSX and GBC pretty much, we had some nice races, dont we WK ? 🙂 -= E.vil N.ever D.ies… Read more »

12 years ago

The scene was long dead before the PSP was made, but yes, the PSP had great potential, was very sad that noone seemed to care about it, except that SUSHi intro, that i have not seen any traces of since 2005, when someone posted a rapidshare link here on flashtro to a movie of it(bomb da bass!!) Please repost link to binary or whatever if someone still has.. 🙂

12 years ago

Cracking is jumping ahead of the point anyway i think.. intro’s could be included anyway like they were before, at groups digression. The cracking itself doesn’t always mean you have to entirely learn ARM/MIPS to do some basic things or even at least help out. There’s no demo/intro culture for new coders to be introduced to, to gain the skills or motivation to bother doing it that’s what it seems like. The PSP was so co-operative for a long while, everyone helping out with things. Only a single digit number of games ever needed actual cracking the rest depending on… Read more »

13 years ago

It’s really one thing when you are carefree and have unlimited amounts of spare time, and another thing altogether when you are trying to engineer an enterprise quality solution. You can’t come to your prospective customers and say, "just reverse-engineer how to use the tools, then figure out how to make stuff with them". I think I would die of hunger very quickly because who would buy a product like that? We spent last eight months cooking a provisioning solution, and we’re not even to the point of writing a single line of code for the app! When would I… Read more »

13 years ago

WayneK: Well that’s not really true… first, consoles are hugely popular in europe… Maybe in the UK, but the Europe of the ’80s and ’90s I grew up in, nobody, and I mean nobody had a console. One either had a C= 64, a C= 128, C= Amiga (’90s to around ’95) or if one was completely clueless, a PC-compatible. I knew only two people who had Atari STs, and I knew pretty much everybody who was anybody in computers in my ‘neck o’ the woods. Consoles didn’t really make a dent in Europe until the beginning of 21st century;… Read more »

13 years ago

Well that’s not really true… first, consoles are hugely popular in europe… secondly, reverse engineering is the lifeblood of the cracking scene. If you have no interest in reversing/working out how stuff works without docs, you’re probably in the wrong scene 🙂 The main problem is fragmentation: think of those annoying cracks on amiga that didn’t work because your RAM expansion had memory at the ‘wrong’ address… now * that by 500 for the number of different copiers/modchips/methods-of-executing-backups. Now imagine trying to get your crack working flawlessly on all those… imagine spending weeks/months of your time doing so for a… Read more »

13 years ago

cewlout: Well, console scene generally was boring… okay except SNES and PS1. It’s not that it’s boring, it’s that a) consoles were never popular in Europe where most cracking takes place, because they are not cost effective b) the documentation on how to configure the development environment, where to find MIPS assembler documentation (in the case of PS2), intro coding tutorials, how to actually use the cracked software is very, very poor. The hardware itself is very poorly documented, unless one paid tons of money to the company that controls it. Highly unprofessional. In other words, barrier to entry on… Read more »

13 years ago

All in all the DS scene is really boring. Well, console scene generally was boring… okay except SNES and PS1.

What I really hate are those rom-collecting sites or fuc*ers like no-intro blergh.

13 years ago

That Doctor Mengele sure sounds like a mighty fine fellow! 😀

13 years ago

like the sound 🙂

13 years ago

Great job musashi!
I made this one cos i’m in bit of love with this one made by anthrox for some reason: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bgy3z5I-RYU

13 years ago

Glenz <3 Good stuff.

janer 1
13 years ago

ahhh..there it goes on with the nds stuff… lovely glenz and cool font..onla a better tune would be perfect.. and yes..i also wait for the 3ds stuff to come 🙂

13 years ago

Raises the question, who will be first for a 3DS cracktro , that would be awesome if it is truly 3D.

13 years ago

Transforming glenz makes any intro automatically awesome! Also a complete pain in the arse to get 3d/ogl crap working on DS with no dev libs, so kudos for that too 🙂 ARM asm > *

13 years ago

I like the Cube the rest is pretty standard. Music is Ok


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