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  • in reply to: Unit A and Paranoimia #8805

    The United States is a two-party corporate polyarchy.  (you’ve got a choice – Pepsi or Coke?) You can vote, but it’s one corporate platform or the other, which both stand for the same thing == your oppression.  This is a recipe for tyranny, fear and suffering…few can see well enough to escape from this cocoon, and fewer still have the courage to step up from complacency and consider the welfare of others.  This insular ideology is encouraged by popular U.S. culture and is bought and sold to a cowed down populace by the wealthy ‘masters of society’ (Adam Smith).  American (probably all) capatalism facilitates, catalyzes, and perpetuates this.  It cannot be reformed, Chomsky, Zinn, Goldmann, Bakunin, and others have shown this since the 1800’s.  We all pitch in to help aid this process when we become lost in consumerism, and we burn any chance of freedom…particularly to those outside the borders.

    Planners (like the Rand Corporation et. al) know that a decline in science and math education helps their rich welfare state.

    As for the bs of Eugenics (the refuted belief that other “races” have different neurological genetic makeups), it was disposed of by breakthroughs in the study of DeoxyriboNucleicAcid over 15 years ago.  I’m sure even Watson and Crick were skeptical of Eugenics, but then again they stole the crystalline structure of DNA from a woman and took credit + the nobel prize.  So nope…science isn’t worth it if there is a human price.  Of course, science is probably humanity’s only hope.  That and a populace willing to admit that it’s worth putting yourself, your family, your kids and everything else on the line just to make sure that people in other countries you’ve never met, and have never been to before – have enough food to eat.  And that’s more important than whether or not your brain or dick or IQ is bigger than someone in Germany.  And if you don’t think that’s right you can fuck off and eat chowder.

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