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    Very nice said Brainwalker :)


    Well there is ofcourse a good reason for Germany beeing strong in the cracking field. Atleast shops and getting originals were easier then perhaps in Sweden or Scandinavia in general :)

    But surely alot of the early cracking groups came from Germany.

    (Atleast it was quite hard getting games fast in DK :) )


    Yeah, scandinavia sucked for suppliers :) UK, Germany, France + USA were the main countries I guess (to get the originals)… then you just had to get them to the german crackers without running up a huge phonebill :)


    Tell me about it. I flew to the big things in London etc, got originals, flew home and then transfered them to the appropriate persons :)

    OK I didn’t just visit the fairs for originals but when I was there I might as well …


    Why fly them home? We went to a nearby hotel and cracked/uploaded them from there :) Ah the old PC Show days, good times indeed!


    > Anyone can give informations about Unit A and Paranoimia this would be cool to > read about those two groups.

    Scenery is a great site with lots of information about the old cracking groups.



    In that particular case it was the WoA ’97 out at the Novotel in Hammersmith and quite frankly nobody wanted to go but me. It was a really sad event (in oooooh so many ways). Picked up a few games and stuff plus the last hardware I bought for my Amiga. So basically I flew home and transfered it to a cracker in Australia. As I recall it we still beat Hoodlum (or was it Hellfire) by hours on the Foundation crack :) (but I’m sure they will dispute that, but then we didn’t bitch about them doing Quake before us).

    Sure back in the golden age we used to crash and crack at peoples apartments and in hotel rooms etc but this wasn’t the case this time. End of the era more or less, I have not gone to any shows after that one. Damn it was depressing there.


    There were a lot of great guys from Germany, but also some top class people from other countries. Where the crackers came from had alot to do with where the computers sold very well. The Amiga and C64 sold really well in Northern Europe and thus you have alot of guys from there (era 83 – 87 C64 and 86 – 93 Amiga). Such as

    PHS – Sweden
    Il Scuro – Sweden
    Conqueror – Sweden

    Blackhawk – Denmark

    Abrasax – Holland

    N.O.M.A.D.(Marc) – U.K.
    Weetibix -U.K.

    H.Syl – France
    France (Paris software shops) was good for original suppliers due to the games being released there early to stop parallel imports from the U.K. Also, anyone living near Centresoft in Birmingham could be very useful.


    Why the fuck do you want to know about Paralamia??? They bought their cracks and the scene rejects ’em for that.. Unit A was cool and still is.


    ya that TRUE… paralamia paid UNIT A for every single CRACK…world of wonders even The Company did pay to get games Cracked… YOU KNOW THAT BRAINWALKER (der j?rgen…gelle)!. THATS A SURE THING!…… they even wanted to pay me alot of bucks to get the originals early enuff…. since they tried and tried to have them that early as i had…!… but the did not had ANY chance!…. execept a few games ….right Brainwalker!?


    Don t know if it s appropirate to point fingers on a single group ….
    Even if Paranoima was accused as the first & the scene rejected them …
    later on the most of the prosecutors did the same …

    At the beginning of the 90 decade every major release crew started buying cracks (more or less).
    I cannot see a big difference between cash or hardware, cards or whatever for the crackers … it remains payment! (I would say with some minor exceptions this suits it quite well)

    Like everybody said and many complained about it during that area
    … decreasing fun and friendship … business all around … That points it out quite obviously …


    Subzero :
    ya that TRUE… paralamia paid UNIT A for every single CRACK…world of wonders even The Company did pay to get games Cracked… YOU KNOW THAT BRAINWALKER (der j?rgen…gelle)!. THATS A SURE THING!…… they even wanted to pay me alot of bucks to get the originals early enuff…. since they tried and tried to have them that early as i had…!… but the did not had ANY chance!…. execept a few games ….right Brainwalker!?

    Lol. Grow up.
    As long as I am not paying for sex or friends, it is all fine to me.

    Foxy / The Company


    come on , it was years ago and all know jurgen paid for cracking, or do you really believe ralf cracked for FREE????… and i didnt said in anyway YOU PAID… so calm down….and take it like it was.. show balls!


    It just became an economical truth. Groups were paying their originals (and sometimes even extra for getting them early) so they wanted "return on investment": a release. What did it take? A team of crackers (or a single cracker) that was always available (24/7). In my opinion, crackers are intelligent people with an "above-average" skillset, which means they would not be your typical audience that lives off unemployment. If they have to be available 24/7, they can’t go to work/school. Conclusion: you pay them (and pay them well).

    When the competition increased and 0-minute mass distribution to boards globally became common, every single cracker was getting compensation in some way. It’s that plain simple.


    Economical truth or not. It is nice to see that some things never change! Like the way how Subzero posts for example.. ;):D

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