Home Forums Amiga Cracking & Protection Turrican 2 Tutorial Hack Issue

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    I think they are a bug in trackloader code, (of Turrican2 tutorial crack)
    All tuto work, without any problem, but, finaly after create 2 disk of the new vesrion, crack version.
    The game don’t load correctly.

    I put my adf file on my server, If anyone who see the problem…. it’s strange

    – Disk Boot and track run to 03, the animation rainbow is showing
    – During this, Track goes to Zero (???) and run to 15
    – Return to zero again (????) and after going to 16… ???
    – Return to zero (again and again), and after re-return to 16 and run to 26 and stop the loading here.
    – Power Led Blink and guru is showing : Guru Meditation #0000000A.00C01570

    Test with WinUAE 3.5.0 (2017.06.15) 64 bit on Windows10 – 64b
    Test on real Amiga… it’s worse…loading and crash randomly (Test on 2 Amiga 500)

    And I think, the loading is very to fast

    ;Final Disk1 Piste/Secteur, 80 pistes [0-79]
    BOOT:	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:BOOTBLOCK"	;P00.0/S00 -> P00.0/S01   1024 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:LOADER_PATCHED"	;P00.0/S02 -> P00.0/S05   2048 oct
    	BLK.B	2560,0				;P00.0/S05 -> P01.0/S00   2560 oct
    	BLK.B	5632,0				;P01.0/S00 -> P02.0/S00   5632 oct
    	BLK.B	5632,0				;P02.0/S00 -> P03.0/S00   5632 oct
    	BLK.B	5632,0				;P03.0/S00 -> P04.0/S00   5632 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:RA-I"		;P04.0/S00 -> P06.0/S10  16624 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:MAIN_PATCHED"	;P06.0/S10 -> P30.0/S05 132568 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:INTR"		;P30.0/S05 -> P32.0/S08  12936 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:MUS0"		;P32.0/S08 -> P40.0/S05  43204 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:IDAT"		;P40.0/S05 -> P44.0/S03  21944 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:IP00"		;P44.0/S03 -> P45.0/S07   7416 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:IP01"		;P45.0/S07 -> P48.0/S04  15560 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:IP02"		;P48.0/S04 -> P49.0/S06   6340 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:IP03"		;P49.0/S06 -> P52.0/S05  16816 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:IP04"		;P52.0/S06 -> P55.0/S08  18180 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:IP05"		;P55.0/S08 -> P56.0/S04   3356 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:IP06"		;P56.0/S04 -> P57.0/S06   6700 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:IP07"		;P57.0/S06 -> P58.0/S02   4028 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:L1-1"		;P58.0/S03 -> P61.0/S04  17668 oct 
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:MUS1"		;P61.0/S04 -> P68.0/S10  42716 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:L1-2"		;P68.0/S10 -> P72.0/S01  17720 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:L2-1"		;P72.0/S01 -> P73.0/S08   8984 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:MUS2"		;P73.0/S08 -> P01.1/S03  42792 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:L2-2"		;P01.1/S03 -> P04.1/S05  17888 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:L3-1"		;P04.1/S05 -> P15.1/S01  59768 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:MUS3"		;P15.1/S01 -> P23.1/S04  46900 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:L3-2"		;P23.1/S04 -> P26.1/S08  18512 oct
    	INCBIN	"Turrican2_1:L3-3"		;P26.1/S08 -> P28.1/S02   8184 oct


    It’s a problem for loading the MAIN file…
    I already check and re-check all.
    All is good, correct filetable, correct MAIN file patched MAIN…

    For me : le ‘trackloader’ est dans les fraises.


    My apologies…
    Mistake for me during Rip procedure.
    I don’t take the Full length
    Exemple, to rip MUS0, I use $A8C4 as length instead of $01A8C4

    That why my rip crash…
    I just modify wait loop to have a slower bit loading (just to be sure to load correct Data).
    Tuto working Good, with or without my modif 🙂

    Sorry, My mistake…

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