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  • #10588

    I just wanted to drop a quick word of appreciation to M9… 30+ conversions in half a month! We may not always fully appreciate the time and effort that goes into meticulously recreating 30+ years old digital art and it must sometimes be frustrating for him to see the comments (criticism) aimed at the original author of the intro after he has just spent a couple of hours re-producing it. So, here’s to you Mr. M9: thanks for letting all of us re-live part of our childhood and for the older buggers: thanks for the trip down memory lane. You rock and thank you!


    Fully agree. You rule M9! 🙂


    Thanks, M9 and TStorm! You guys rule!


    No problem, A big thanks to TStorm for his C64 work too and Corti for his music code and Wothke for his js Amiga music player

    And all the tutorial makers such as Galahad , Codetapper, SceneX , Phantasm, Alpha one, WayneK, DLFRSilver, Rob, Xyzzy, FireofTschernobyl, plagueis, Stingray, Cybfrog 😛

    And also the trainer makers and crackers that are still releasing…… Siriax , Alpha one, Phantasm, Mr Spiv, Wanted Team.

    Thanks to all you visitors who keep coming back to all this weird nostaliga.

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