Home Forums Amiga Scene Foxy! (aka Dominator) of The Company, Dragons, FLT, SR and so on Reply To: Foxy! (aka Dominator) of The Company, Dragons, FLT, SR and so on


=> Gonthar : The Band sure rocked the early Amiga days. I wouldn’t be able to say wether it was #1 or #5 but it sure was an example for further teams (working releases, nice ole school intros, ..). Too bad Duncan wasted his time trying to rebuild somethingwith a bunch of hopeless frenchies. But that is another story and, however, he’s successfully brought to a very high point anyway.

=> Banditt : Damnit, Banditt you still there ? So hell is so full even Satan couldn’t reserve a small room for you down there.

Trackah123 : Not all the old crackers were great coders/programmers.
Look at the Skid Row guys for instance. They plain sucked (really). But still they’ve set a low standard (like china does in our days) so to stay into competition, other groups lowered down quality of their releases. The good point is that they proved that, sometimes, germans can release poor low end products. Still, most of their members had very limited brain capacities (look at Subzero for instance. They are close to monkey’s level).

Flaming a problem ? lol. No. Narcs, traitors, cops helpers and all that crap : THAT was a problem.
Flaming is just part of the entire game … You sometimes you respect some guys you’re flaming a lot more than some guys who are not even worth a reply.


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