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scenex :
i really respect the big coders and crackers from the early days.. i mean there was no internet to just download quickly a tutorial about whatever you like.
let’s say these days, you’d like to learn how safedisc/manualunpacking/keygenning/whatever works – no problem after 3 minutes searching you got at least 10 tuts explaining the topic. then you just need to afford the time and et voila you understand it and you’re able to use your knowledge.
Informations were rare and precious. Tools were not numerous and oftenly home made/weaked.
I rememner that one of our crackers made his own Action Replay thing. In fact it was suppoed to be released for a software company. Dunno how it ended up but, during the dev. phase they asked him to removed a feature : a Rob northern protection tracker.
It also had a scan feature for password protections.
It was far-west really …