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There were a lot of great guys from Germany, but also some top class people from other countries. Where the crackers came from had alot to do with where the computers sold very well. The Amiga and C64 sold really well in Northern Europe and thus you have alot of guys from there (era 83 – 87 C64 and 86 – 93 Amiga). Such as

PHS – Sweden
Il Scuro – Sweden
Conqueror – Sweden

Blackhawk – Denmark

Abrasax – Holland

N.O.M.A.D.(Marc) – U.K.
Weetibix -U.K.

H.Syl – France
France (Paris software shops) was good for original suppliers due to the games being released there early to stop parallel imports from the U.K. Also, anyone living near Centresoft in Birmingham could be very useful.


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