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#3414 Phantasm:

Hi. I remember you from those early xbox 360 days on xboxhacker.net (i think it was). Not sure if you remember me but I assisted with the initial “decrypting” of the bios.

 Hey Phantasm ! Nice to see you here 🙂 I kinda do miss those days, hacking the ‘unhackable’ xbox 360, as Microsoft proudly announced it themselves. It was just such a fun project, all those enthousiastic people working together on xboxhacker.net, totally unorganized but self managed, everybody helping out in some way. And then after months of hacking, when I finally had successfully booted the very first DVD-R copy of an original disc, I rushed out the news on xboxhacker and went to bed, it must have been about 7 AM in the morning. I woke up a few hours later and was shocked to see it was all over the news ! Not just xbox related sites but every IT related site out there had copied the news and it was even on some official news wires all over the world ! When I had posted the news on xboxhacker.net, I was way too excited, adrenaline still rushing through my body that I had just booted a copy on the ‘unhackable xbox 360’, so that I hadn’t really thought it through and I remember that it scared the shit out of me, seeing how the news had spread over the world, haha. I watched out of my window for days, expecting the police to arrive 🙂 Luckily microsoft never tried to hit back (like Nintendo tried to get hackers arrested). I wasn’t even sure if I did something wrong, having never released the hack but just done reverse engineering but I wasn’t too eager to find out and luckily it never came to that. But it was a wakeup call for me and I decided that this was just not my thing, operating on the borders of the law, possibly crossing them and risking serious consequences, like people in the hacker scene did and do all the time. For me, I had  enough already, I had my fun, no more hacking since then. Now I still do some occasional reverse engineering, like for cyanogenmod, to get it running on samsungs (Exynos/closed source).

Anyway I didnt want to hijack this thread. It were all those Amiga cracking groups back then who got me interested in hacking, the people who replied in this and other threads here on this board ! I loved watching those Paranoimia/Paradox/Angels/Quartex/Scoopex/SkidRow/TRSI etc etc etc intros way more than actually playing the games 😉 I bought an action replay and followed a cracking tutorial that was published in a diskmag by LSD called Grapevine, I just found it here haha: http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=21534 and I just read that that was Galahad/Fairlight who wrote it. So he was utterly responsible for the xbox 360 hack haha 😉

Hoping to read some more stories about  the good old Amiga days here, really enjoyed everything so far !


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