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#3247 n00w:
And the response is Twin & Wacky.

Twin = Twinblitz, ex-Abuse, ex-Agile. Wacky = Willy of BomberMan & Willy.
Twin arranged the address as per request of Maximilian, before they were in bad terms – for some reason i know which doesn’t need to be developed here. That’s why the address didn’t follow us when we founded Interpol. Also the biggest case in France was for phreaking (bluebox) and it all started in September 1991. Twin was below the radar at this time, as was Max who arised at the beginning of 1992.

Very interesting post, I just registered to post here, I got to this thread when searching for oldschool nicknames. I was in some of the boards mentioned here like UE / Mirage / Akira / X-Factor, etc. It was pretty interesting back then. I remember Quartex, Paradox and Skid Row being some of the strongest groups at that time. N00w I wouldn’t be surprised if you and I know each other, because most of the people you know I also knew, like Max, etc.

I was in the PC Scene but had lots of friends from the Amiga scene. I actually started in a group called Skillion that originally came from Amiga. Has anybody ever heard of that group? 🙂



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