Home Forums Amiga Scene -TCB!- Reply To: -TCB!-


Heya fellas, since my name just popped up I would like to clear up that I was never a member of Delight so there is a reason why Francis don’t know me 🙂 

I am also no longer active in any way with the scene and being a games programmer today it would not really be something i would dare to do either even though I have very fond memories of the time.

I started my scene career in the demo scene where me and some local friends ran a group called Humanoids and when that group were no more I slowly moved towards more piracy oriented groups as more and more of my friends on the scene were also converting.

When I started talking with TCB I was running a little group called Kingdom and we affiliated TCB’s bbs in belgium called Metal Impact later we both joined Quartex together with a couple of other Kingdom members.

Today I am living and working in Switzerland and I have of course contact with a few ex-amiga sceners here 🙂


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