Cool one. Great tune!
Hum… Personally I find the tv-noise effect kinda disturbing =). Pergaps having a random-colour every time intro statrs or a smooth colour on-the-fly change would be less agressive?… Anyway, nice job!.
You would hate writing manual pages in nroff then… I love it though, after coding the program writing the manual page is a point of pride… the more detailed and professional, the better the enjoyment.
Galahad – I get ya, the fun part is breaking it…Its akin to going on a school trip and having to do work aswell! never got my head round that. Appreciate your efforts though, never had access or knowledge to this back in the daze. I always wanted too though.
7 years ago
Oh I was looking at the scoopex – zoom intro
Would you be willing to jot down a mini tutorial on how this was done? smiley face smiley face
@Francis – I didn’t crack it in 1988……. actually no-one did, a leaked preview version which ended up being totally different got released, but that wasn’t the full game. It was drawn to my attention several times that the full release version was never cracked, so I cracked it so there was at least one ADF version preserved as IPF files are pretty much redundant on a real Amiga for those that want to use floppies still. So its a ‘fresh’ 2017 release 😉
Cool one. Great tune!
Hum… Personally I find the tv-noise effect kinda disturbing =). Pergaps having a random-colour every time intro statrs or a smooth colour on-the-fly change would be less agressive?… Anyway, nice job!.
Wow, fresh meat 🙂 Great one, A1! I love the tune and the menu is cool too.
cool tune
Yeah I suppose i’m going to have to, plenty have asked. Sigh… I hate writing tutorials, they take so long!
You would hate writing manual pages in nroff then… I love it though, after coding the program writing the manual page is a point of pride… the more detailed and professional, the better the enjoyment.
Galahad – I get ya, the fun part is breaking it…Its akin to going on a school trip and having to do work aswell! never got my head round that. Appreciate your efforts though, never had access or knowledge to this back in the daze. I always wanted too though.
Oh I was looking at the scoopex – zoom intro
Would you be willing to jot down a mini tutorial on how this was done? smiley face smiley face
What was wrong with the 1988 Galahad crack then?
@Francis – I didn’t crack it in 1988……. actually no-one did, a leaked preview version which ended up being totally different got released, but that wasn’t the full game. It was drawn to my attention several times that the full release version was never cracked, so I cracked it so there was at least one ADF version preserved as IPF files are pretty much redundant on a real Amiga for those that want to use floppies still. So its a ‘fresh’ 2017 release 😉
Really nice. Love the scroller and TV noise effect. Cool music too.
Beautiful !
Nice trainer A1, you should be relaxing and enjoying your holiday 🙂
Whachew talkin’ ’bout Willis, looks like he had an awesome time enjoying himself coding!
Another great trainer from Alpha one (enjoying the sun!)
Download below the intro