Some anecdotes from the past… So, I joined Energy late ’90 – early ’91 IIRC. I was mail swapping (yes, you read that right) with Jason who was then the leader of Energy. He asked me to set up the Belgian division of Energy. Road House and Metal Impact were two of the boards that joined (Hi Tesla / Maddy…) and also some of the former BS1-guys joined and did a trainer or 2. Yours truly was using a 1200Bps modem then and -clearly- was too lame for the top boards in the US. Fortunately for me, I was quite… Read more »
How come I never commented on this? This has pretty cool -80s wibe for a trainer still in -91 😀 Antibyte went to do some more “kewl” demo stuff soon after..
Weren’t Shark the Master and Crazy Typer also from Austria? Two early day heroes of mine 😀
Some anecdotes from the past… So, I joined Energy late ’90 – early ’91 IIRC. I was mail swapping (yes, you read that right) with Jason who was then the leader of Energy. He asked me to set up the Belgian division of Energy. Road House and Metal Impact were two of the boards that joined (Hi Tesla / Maddy…) and also some of the former BS1-guys joined and did a trainer or 2. Yours truly was using a 1200Bps modem then and -clearly- was too lame for the top boards in the US. Fortunately for me, I was quite… Read more »
Cool story, but now I’m intrigued by what the creativity with modems entailed…
Helping others to reduce their phone bill and in return they paid for my first HST modem
Aaahhh… got it.
How come I never commented on this? This has pretty cool -80s wibe for a trainer still in -91 😀 Antibyte went to do some more “kewl” demo stuff soon after..
Weren’t Shark the Master and Crazy Typer also from Austria? Two early day heroes of mine 😀
Energy cool group from Austria!
Many things on this one, very cool to watch! 🙂
Any idea about that “Atari ST mode” option? 😀 😛
One of the early appearances of my bbs. This was just after we went 24H a day :p
Agree with the others – loads of nice touches here. Perfect tune too. I think this one is awesome.
They went all out, I’ll give them points for stuffing the intro with effects and the originality in overlapping the scrollers.
Energy was such an amazing trainer group, excellent oldschool menu by Antibyte.
funky tune … funny how parallax scrolling has a different meaning nowadays.
Decent trainer, I like the 3 overlapping scrollers.