RNC Sector Laoder (shortened)
; *******************************************************************; N.O.M.A.D. FAIRLIGHT SHORTENED RNC SECTOR LOADER FROM MORTAL KOMBAT; RIPPED AND RESOURCED BY SCENEX; SEE http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=60856; ; D0 = Drive to read (on entry); D0 = Error code (on exit); D1 = Sector start; D2 = Sectors to read; D3 = Drive motor on or off after read; Read more…
Another World
Another World/Out of this World Delphine Software For this tutorial we will need the following 1. An original disk (make a backup and always use the backup) 2. The code wheel that came with your original disk 3. Action Replay III Cart If you don’t have the code wheel Read more…
Track Loader Prox
init: move.w $dff01c,oldintena move.w $dff01e,oldintreq bset #7,oldintena bset #7,oldintreq move.w #$7fff,$dff09a ; interrupts aus. move.w #$7fff,$dff09c ; ;**************************************************************** lea $dff000,a6 lea buffer(pc),a0 lea mfmbuffer,a2 move.l #$4200,d0 move.l #$59,d1 move.l #$0,d2 move.b #$0,d5 jsr TRACKLOADER ;**************************************************************** move.w oldintena(pc),$dff09a move.w oldintreq(pc),$dff09c moveq #0,d0 rts oldintena: dc.w 0oldintreq: dc.w Read more…